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The library aim to provide fully customizable data agnostic diagram components.

Quick Example#

import {  Schema,  useSchema,  Diagram,  createSchema,} from "@kresli/react-diagrams";import React from "react";
const initialSchema: Schema = createSchema({  nodes: [    {      id: "node_a",      label: "Node A",      position: [100, 100] as [number, number],      outputs: [{ id: "1", label: "Out" }],    },    {      id: "node_b",      label: "Node B",      position: [400, 400] as [number, number],      inputs: [{ id: "3", label: "In" }],    },  ],  links: [    {      input: "3",      output: "1",    },  ],  position: [0, 0] as [number, number],  scale: 1,});
const DiagramQuickExample = () => {  const schema = useSchema(initialSchema);  return (    <div style={{ width: "100%", height: 500 }}>      <Diagram schema={schema} />    </div>  );};
export default DiagramQuickExample;
Node A
Node B